版权所有:普罗盈工程项目管理有限公司 备案号:苏ICP备15022217号 技术支持:中企动力 南京分公司 培训咨询服务网址
中外项目服务.tm|普罗盈|中国联合| 售电 | 电小二 |
电力交易中心 | 国网 | 江苏能监办 | 南网 | 电科院 |
十一科技 | 中化蓝天 | 中石化 | 中石油 | 中海油 | 景行环保 |
博瑞德环境集团 | 博西BSH | 沃利帕森 | 默沙东MSD |
西门子 | 博世 | 阿克苏诺贝尔 | SUNTECH | SEMI |
江苏省农药所 | 寰球 | 天辰 | 东华科技 | 成达| 五环 |
中国特检院 | 江苏化工院 | 江苏安科院 | 江苏环科院 |
生态环境部 | 应急管理部 | 国家发改委 | 工信部 | 住建部 |
国标委 |化工学会 |中国石化联合会 |中化企协 |中石化培 |
【本安绿发】系列专业群,包括:【本安绿发总群1,2,3,4,5, ...】;【本安绿发】有关专业群,等等。
BALF119-65® as a special public platform, owned by Pros & Winners Company, is highlighting at Nature Safety and Green Development through the whole life-cycle of projects and facilities named as P-EPC-OM, whose topics are focusing on the original sharing/documents and services/activities such as training & education, project info, investment collaboration, EPC and EPCM, operation & maintenance, EHSQ, PSM, laws & codes, management systems, technologies & engineering, special tools, best practice, etc.
Wechat Group Series of BALF, include: [BALF Seminar Group 1/2/3/4/5,......]; [BALF Groups for Professional Activity], etc.
Additionally, we are providing a lot of professional training activities online, which attracts thousands of occupational persons to study and learn .