版权所有:普罗盈工程项目管理有限公司 备案号:苏ICP备15022217号 技术支持:中企动力 南京分公司 培训咨询服务网址
中外项目服务.tm|普罗盈|中国联合| 售电 | 电小二 |
电力交易中心 | 国网 | 江苏能监办 | 南网 | 电科院 |
十一科技 | 中化蓝天 | 中石化 | 中石油 | 中海油 | 景行环保 |
博瑞德环境集团 | 博西BSH | 沃利帕森 | 默沙东MSD |
西门子 | 博世 | 阿克苏诺贝尔 | SUNTECH | SEMI |
江苏省农药所 | 寰球 | 天辰 | 东华科技 | 成达| 五环 |
中国特检院 | 江苏化工院 | 江苏安科院 | 江苏环科院 |
生态环境部 | 应急管理部 | 国家发改委 | 工信部 | 住建部 |
国标委 |化工学会 |中国石化联合会 |中化企协 |中石化培 |
GSC0702|安全检查诊断监管成果展 Performance of the Inspection and Diagnosis Onsite
Performance of the Inspection and Diagnosis Onsite
Involving inherent safety diagnosis, leakage risk , on-site inspection & service with relation to safety responsibility assurance, hidden trouble investigation and preventive measures, explosion & disaster prevention, electrical safety, fire safety, chemical safety, instrumentation safety, onsite construction safety, work permits, contractor safety, etc. Four experts were sent to more than 60 enterprises in Haiyan area of Zhejiang Province, and seven experts were sent to carry out on-site expert inspection services in Shangyu Chemical District, Zhejiang Province, and some chemical districts in Jiangsu Province and more than 10 experts were sent to carry out expert diagnosis services for several wholly owned enterprises in Europe, America and Japan. A team of 6 people was sent to conduct on-site construction safety supervision and management services for a US-funded foreign company in Sichuan, and 5 safety personnel were sent by partners to site JSA team of Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Company Limited to carry out safety supervision, etc. served more than 100 enterprises.
专家团队查看现场|Onsite Inspection of Expert Team
与企业高管面谈检查发现|Interview Operational VP to Talk Findings
现场访问|Visiting Clients' Sites
施工安全监管团队|Safety Supervision Team
现场专家检查服务团队|Onsite Expert Inspection Service Team