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Jianbo Hong
Service Marketing Director at BSH China
I had worked together with Richard in HQ of BSH Home Appliance in 1999-2001. I am very impressive with his technical knowledge and experience on cooling appliance as well as leadership and comprehensive abilities. Working with Richard was an exciting thing that I always felt very happiness and honor. Richard contributed a lot to setup the cooling technology training system for after sales service, as well as the basic guideline to implement in practice and the quality which increase the customer satisfaction to a higher level.
推荐人: Jianbo (Richard的ASS-T 部门同事 - BSH Home Appliances Group) | 推荐时间: 2015 年 1 月 29 日
Hui Chen
GM Customer Service at BSH Home Appliances
Mr. Yao was a specialist in technical department to provide national support to the field service for cooling appliances in customer service headquarter of BSH China. He was responsible for the technical preparation of new products, technical support for repair solution, and quality feedbacks to the factory. He did a great job to serve as bridge bwteen the factory and field service. He was good at transferring the know-how to the service staff who visit the end users. During his service in BSH, I was the head of field service. The cooperation with Mr. Yao was really a pleasure. I appreciated very much his efforts to ensure the success rate of the service visits and to satisfy the customers.
推荐人: Hui (Richard的ASS-S 部门同事 - BSH Home Appliances Group) | 推荐时间: 2015 年 1 月 21 日